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Green light to market concentration - seven decisions

< poprzedni | następny > 02.01.2017

Green light to market concentration - seven decisions

UOKiK issued seven decisions in favour of market concentration. They refer to companies operating in the sector of construction, beverage production, cardboard production, retail trade and wholesale.

The first two decisions give a green light to PG Europe based in Luxembourg. The company belongs to the Panattoni Group and renders construction services in the scope of industrial, warehouse and office developments, including comprehensive administrative services. Together with the construction development companies Kajima and Marvipol, PG Europe is going to establish joint ventures - PDC Industrial Center 32 and PDC Industrial Center 63. Both companies are special purpose vehicles for constructing warehouses and logistic centres, the area of which is going to be leased.

UOKiK also agreed for Döhler to assume direct control over Alpex. The companies produce fruit concentrates and natural fruit and vegetable juices, natural dyes, flavours and special additives used in food industry.

Also Tri-Wall Europe Holding has got a green light for acquisition. The Corporation operates in East and South-Eastern Asia as well as in Europe. As a result of the decision it will take over TPMS Polska operating in Europe. The companies produce cardboard goods such as packaging, pipes and office supplies.

UOKiK agreed that Amos Luzon Energy and Development Group  take control over Ronson Europe. The former company produces chiefly module partition walls and office doors in Poland. Ronson Europe operates in the sector of construction, lease and sales of residential space in Poland.

Another decision concerns the right for Bewa to control Jurajska. Both companies produce bottled water, including flavoured water, and non-alcoholic beverages.

The last decision concerns Terg’s acquisition of Astral. Both companies focus chiefly on wholesale and retail trade in household goods, including kitchen appliances, RTV and IT equipment.

According to the applicable legislation, the transaction must be notified to UOKiK, if the joint turnovers of the parties to the transaction in the previous year exceeded EUR 1 billion equivalent in the world or EUR 50 million in Poland.

The UOKiK decisions expire if the acquisition is not effected within 2 years of the issue thereof. Information on all the anti-monopolistic proceedings on acquisitions, which are conducted by UOKiK, can be found in UOKiK website . More information on the principles of mergers can be found in specially prepared report.

We would also like to inform that as of 1 January 2017 the fee for filing an application for opening anti-monopoly proceedings on acquisition shall be increased to PLN 15 thousand. An applicant must pay the fee in cash at the Office or by a wire transfer to the bank account of a Revenue Office competent with respect to the seat of the UOKiK President. Currently it is the First Revenue Office for Warsaw-Śródmieście District [ I Urząd Skarbowy Warszawa-Śródmieście] ul. Lindleya 14, 02-013 Warszawa. Bank account number is available directly at the Revenue Office.

Additional information for media:

Biuro Prasowe UOKiK
pl. Powstańców Warszawy 1, 00-950 Warszawa
Tel.: 22 55 60 430, 55 60 345

Twitter: @UOKiKgovPL

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